About J'adore Belle Brand

Hello beauties, Jadore Belle Brand was established in 2009, as Jadore Eyes focusing solely on make up. With my experience from MAC Cosmetics I knew there was more to this industry so I begin freelancing. While freelancing I’ll begin using my other skill which is hair I eventually turned a solely make up service into both hair and make up your J’adore Belle Brand. I later went to Paul Mitchell the School to further my skills and knowledge. J’adore Belle Brand gives a woman a new found confidence about herself during and after the service, “We Match Your Inner Beauty”, meaning what’s on the inside I will bring out for the world to see the beauty in you. If you Adore her, J’adore her! 

About The Zoé Collection

Hair is a powerful thing. It’s the ultimate accessory. An  expression of personal style that’s  uniquely your. The Zoé Collection thinks you should love your hair without compromise or a struggle, every single day. The Zoé Collection was established 2020. Searching high and low, gaining knowledge and experience about the hair industry for years. I was finally able to provide clients with a luxury hair brand. The Zoé Collection will make you feel invincible that matches you, My Beauties! Beautiful outside, Powerful inside. 



(832) 781-2036

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